Murray Location
5802 S. 900 E. #12
Murray, UT 841217

Counseling for Individuals, Relationships, & Adults 60+

Murray, Utah

Counseling for Individuals 
Individuals often seek my counseling services to learn how to improve communication & interactions with their partner or family members, manage stress in new ways, deal with trauma, and to reduce anxiety & depression. Individuals report that our work together has helped them get back on track toward their goals of success and fulfilling relationships. 

Relationship Counseling & Post Separation Counseling
Clients frequently enter counseling with me for help with their relationship problems or to recover from a difficult breakup. Change in relationship status can be liberating as well as traumatic. Counseling can promote your healing, strength, and assist you in making healthy changes in your current relationship or future relationship. 

Counseling for Adults 60+
Counseling can promote healthy change at any age. My 60+ clients commonly enter counseling with me for assistance in adjusting to difficult transitions and to reduce anxiety & depression (among other unique concerns).

Amber Bauerle, LICSW

Amber Bauerle, LICSW
Medicare Authorized Provider

This process of the good life is not, I am convinced, a life for the faint-hearted. It involves the stretching and growing of becoming more and more of one’s potentialities. It involves the courage to be. It means launching oneself fully into the stream of life. ~Carl Rogers